Privacy policy

Thank you for visiting CHUYANGC. We care about protecting the personal information of our customers and visitors (collectively, "Users") who use our websites, products, or services. This privacy policy details how we collect, share and use your personal information. Please read this Privacy Policy before using this website or submitting any personal information. By using this site, you accept the practices described in this Privacy Policy. These practices may change, but any changes will be posted and changes will only apply to activities and information going forward and not retroactively. We encourage you to review the Privacy Policy each time you visit the Site to ensure that you understand how any personal information you provide will be used.
NOTE: The privacy practices set forth in this Privacy Policy apply only to this Site. If you link to other websites, please review the privacy policies posted on those websites.

Our Services are not directed to persons under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 18 years of age. If a parent or guardian discovers that his or her child has provided us with personal information without the parent or guardian's consent, he or she should contact us. If we discover that a child under 18 has provided us with personal information, we will delete such information from our files.
collect message
We collect personally identifiable information that you provide prior to any registration process, such as name, postal address, email address, phone number, billing address or credit card information, geographic location and industry voluntarily submitted by our visitors.
social media
Information from third-party social networking sites, including information that social networking sites provide to us when you use your credentials on such social networking sites to log in to some of our services (such as your name and email address to pre-populate our registrations information) form).
The information you allow us to access varies from social networking site to social networking site and depends on the level of privacy settings you have on the social networking site. You can control and learn more about these privacy settings on the applicable social networking site.
How we use your information
The information you provide is used to fulfill your specific requests. This information is only used
When you call or email us, to fulfill your specific request, unless you give us permission to use it in other ways, such as adding you to one of our mailing lists.
Provide you with useful content;
Make sure our services are running properly
Provide and improve our services; administer our website;
communicate with you;
The payment information you provide to us will only be used to facilitate payment for our products and services.
Cookie/Tracking Technologies
This website may use cookies and tracking technologies depending on the functionality provided. Cookie and tracking technologies may be used to collect information such as browser type and operating system, track the number of visitors to the website, and understand how visitors use the website. Cookies can also help customize a website for visitors. Personal information cannot be collected through cookies and other tracking technologies, however, if you have previously provided personally identifiable information, cookies may be tied to such information. Aggregated cookie and tracking information may be shared with third parties.
You always have the opportunity to opt-out of our newsletter marketing communications with you or change your preferences via the link in the footer of all newsletter emails we send or by emailing us via the contact page.
For marketing purposes, with your consent, we may contact you by telephone. If you do not want to receive marketing calls, please contact customer support. You do not need to agree to receive automated marketing calls or text messages from us in order to use the Services.
For information on how to manage and opt-out of cookies, visit Google’s Privacy Policy Center How to Opt-Out
your rights
We outline these rights and how to exercise them below. Please note that before responding to any request to exercise your rights, we will ask you to verify your identity by providing details known only to the account holder. In order to exercise any of your rights, please note that for each of the rights below we may have valid legal grounds for denying your request, in which case we will notify you.
right to use
You have the right to know whether we process personal information about you and, if we do so, to access the data we hold about you and certain information about how we use it.
You have the right to receive a subset of the personal information you provide to us if we process it on the legal basis of a contract with you or with your consent in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. , and have the right to request that we transfer such personal information to another party. If you wish us to transfer personal information to another party, please ensure that you specify that party and note that we can only do so where technically feasible. We are not responsible for the security of personal information received by third parties or their processing.
You have the right to ask us to correct any personal information about you that is inaccurate and incomplete. If you request a correction, please explain in detail why you believe the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete so that we can assess whether a correction is required. Please note that while we assess whether the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you can exercise your rights to restrict our processing of the applicable data, as set out below.
You can ask us to delete the personal information we hold about you under the following circumstances:
- you decide that we no longer need to hold the personal information;
We are processing based on your consent and you wish to withdraw your consent;
We are processing your data on the basis of our legitimate interests and you object to such processing;
You no longer want us to use your data to send you marketing communications; or
You believe that we are processing your data unlawfully.
Please provide as much detail as possible about the reason for your request to assist us in determining whether you have a valid basis for removal.
Information Release
We may share information with government agencies or other companies that assist us in fraud prevention or investigations. We may do so: (1) as permitted or required by law; or, (2) to attempt to prevent or prevent actual or potential fraud or unauthorized transactions; or, (3) to investigate fraud that has occurred. This information is not provided to these companies for marketing purposes.
Commitment to data security
Your personally identifiable information will be securely protected. Only authorized employees, agents and contractors (who agree to keep the information secure and confidential) have access to this information. All emails and newsletters from this site allow you to opt out of being sent emails.
Your acceptance of these terms
By using this website or our affiliated websites, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time.
Privacy Contact Information
If you have given us consent to process your personal data, you may withdraw your consent at any time. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our Privacy Policy, you can contact us using the Contact page.